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Your Trading is Affected by Your Subconscious Mind

Your Trading is Affected by Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is a storehouse of information and every single thing you have ever experienced, read, watched on tv, or even heard, is stored in this place. There's no "time" here so you can equate it to a large ocean of various experiences, ideas, and images. What happened in your past, can reside right next to what happened yesterday- mixed in with what you watched on tv this morning. So, there is no linear order. What does come to play is the weight or "largeness" of the event. Larger, heavier memories are more prominent. So time doesn't really matter but the significance of the event and the impact it had on you does.

So let's take this to trading. The market is also a large "ocean" and it is filled with uncertainty and as well as all types of emotion. There is fear, greed, elation, confidence, arrogance, self-doubt, condemnation- to name a few. When you trade, your emotion is triggered and therefore your subconscious mind is also active, as emotion resides in the subconscious mind. When you take a loss, for instance, this may trigger the emotion of regret and insecurity. That emotion however, may also be completely tied into a past event that may go as far back to childhood. So the regret and insecurity you feel today, connects back to the regret and insecurity you felt in the past. I call this "compounding" or "connecting the dots" of your own personal time line. The emotion stays the same even if the event is different. Therefore trading mimics your life and your inner thought mind.

You may have noticed that when you are having a good emotional day, feeling decent about yourself, your trading is better. But is you just had a fight with your spouse and deeper emotion has been triggered, you might trade much worse. Maybe if you are angry, you take it out on the market and revenge trade, or even on a subconscious level, feel destructive - so you dig your self into a larger hole or even blow up an account. You can see how important it is to have your subconscious mind on board with what you are doing. This is were we are different from any other trading coach. We will help you correct what's going on underneath the surface of your thoughts and get your subconscious on board with your trading success. It's amazing the results you will see when everything is working in your favor. This is how you can trade better. 

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